If you are having trouble connecting your Medic Coach Device to your Smartphone, here are a few things you can check:
Is Bluetooth turned on?
Check in your phone's settings that you have Bluetooth switched on. Also, try to toggle Bluetooth off and on to refresh its status. -
Do you have location services enabled?
This needs to be enabled to allow Bluetooth connection (can be found in your phones connection or location settings) -
Do you have any other phones or tablets connected to the Revitive Medic Coach?
If you do, make sure the other devices have their Bluetooth off or have the REVITIVE app completely closed (i.e. make sure it’s not open in the background). -
Are you able to use your phone with other Bluetooth-connected devices connected i.e. Headphones, speakers, watches etc.
It is also worth checking to see if other devices are working OK with Bluetooth on your phone, and if you have many other devices then try resetting Bluetooth by turning it on/off for a few seconds. -
Are you able to see a Bluetooth icon on your Revitive Medic Coach?
If you can, either you are already connected, or another device might be connected.
Ensure the icon is off before starting a new pairing request. And then flashing after a long press to put in pairing mode.
Do you have more than one Revitive Medic Coach in the house/proximity?
If so, make sure the phone is not trying to connect to the other device. Make sure you have the 2nd one well out of range (in the furthest room away from the device that you are trying to connect to). -
Do you have the power adapter plugged into Revitive Medic Coach when you are trying to connect?
Try unplugging the device before connecting, but make sure there is sufficient charge in the battery.
If you have completed these checks, please follow the instructions below:
1. Try Power cycling your phone (switch off and on again)
Rebooting the phone can help clear any unusual behavior.
2. Remove any Revitive devices listed in the Bluetooth paired list on your phone
This can be viewed in your phone's Bluetooth settings. If it appears in the connected list, please Forget or Unpair the device from the list.
3. Reset the Revitive Medic Coach
Use a pin and insert it into the hole on the side between the charging and electrode port for 10s (until the device beeps). This will remove any previously connected devices from the devices bonding list.
4. Restart the Pairing process.
Note: the pairing process must be carried out from within the App, NOT through your phone’s Bluetooth settings.
If after following these steps, you are still not having any luck connecting your Revitive Medic Coach, please get in touch with our team by following this link: Submit a request and choose 'I have a question about my Medic Coach' from the dropdown.
Please ensure to include as much information as possible including:
- The Revitive Identification Number (RIN) for your Revitive Medic Coach device (found on the back or from the options menu -> about, in the App)
- What’s the make and model of the phone that you are using? i.e. Samsung S10+, or iPhone 11 etc. (can be found from your phone settings -> about)
- Is this the first time you are connecting, or have you managed to establish a connection to REVITIVE before?
Can you confirm the version of App software you are using? (Optional)
Can be found in the App options menu -> about (if you have managed to get connected once before) -
Have you recently made any phone system software updates? (Optional) i.e. those from Android or iPhone or phone manufacturer?
If so, are you able to tell us what OS version you are using (can be found in phone settings, software, and about)